- Joystick Configuration Tool
- Deinstall routine
- Autoupdate function at start up
- Current activations
- New product informtion feature
- Requests for support-emails
Latest Version of the Ase-Modulues for FSX:

The Aerosoft Launcher and the Online-Activation
Our installation process is almost the same as before. It will ask you for your email address and the
serial key we sent you. After the files are installed you might need to activate the product. This is
done in the Aerosoft Launcher (that will automatically open after the installation is completed).
Product Activation
The activation process gathers information on your hardware (the same as for example Windows
does) and creates a "hardware key". This hardware key is stored on our server and will allow the
activation to continue. If you are installing the product again, the hardware key is generated on your
system again and compared to the one stored on our system. If it is the same the activation proceeds
The installation/activation process will allow you to install the software on three different machines
you personally own (if you need more registrations, just talk to us). It also allows three changes in
hardware before the activation is no longer automatic. If the hardware key does not change you can
install as many times as you want.
What is sent to Aerosoft servers?
When you install a new product the activation system sends the hardware key, your email address,
serial number and the product number. Nothing more.
When the Launcher checks if there are updates available, it RECEIVES information from the server
and checks on the users system what is installed. It does NOT send any information on what is
installed. There was confusion about that, sorry. I repeat, the Launcher does not send any
information on what is installed.
What do you do with the data sent to your systems?
Well, of course we do know your email address, what you bought and the serial key, that's rather
obvious. The hardware key generated on your system is just a number; we cannot decode that to see
what brand of CPU you've got. Of course for all data we adhere to the strictest guidelines and will
never share the information with anybody.
Why are we using the activation system?
Rather simple and predictable, to protect our copyrights and the copyrights of our developers. Piracy
has reached such levels at this moment it seriously hurts. The system we use is more or less the same
as the Operating System you are using to run FS, so we figured that if that's acceptable for our users,
the new activation system will also be acceptable.
What if I've got a problem, can't install anymore etc.
Write to support@aerosoft.com and we'll sort it out. Fast, smooth, without problems. We pride
ourselves on our customer support and dedication to customers and this has not changed.
Will this be used for boxed releases as well?
Is this complex?
No. Takes a few seconds and only when you change your hardware very often or want to install on
many systems you will notice the new system. In these cases we'll assist you.
Will the activation be used for all products?
No, it is something we will use for the products created internally and a service we offer to
developers who use us as publisher.
Will this be used for products already released?
If there are big changes in a product we might use it, but that seems not very likely.
What is Aerosoft goes out of business?
Won't happen, but in the worst possible case we can just make an unlock application available.